The Program

“We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self 
who is eternally at peace.” (Elizabeth Gilbert)

The laundry is stacked up insistently, work demands fill the air, social and family obligations cry out in angry reproach — is it any wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and frustrated. Restless, anxiety-filled “sleep” doesn’t help, so energy flags and the sense of disgruntlement grows.

Does this sound like your life? Do you long for a little time to yourself, a little peace? Well, as Elizabeth Gilbert put it, “somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.” Ultimately, what we want to do is to nurture that inner peace and allow it to grow and extend into our outer world.

But there’s a bit of a vicious circle here. While we experience chaos all around us, it is difficult to find that inner light of peace and love. And until we are able to find and tend to our inner peace, we will perceive the outer chaos as insurmountable. We are, in other words, stuck.

The Peaceful Woman: From Chaos to Calm is designed to get you unstuck by tackling the problem from both the inner and the outer realms. When we’re in pain, it’s important to address the root cause of that pain. But while we’re doing that, it’s necessary to treat the pain.

We’ll treat the pain by learning simple, but effective techniques to reduce stress and to give ourselves time to respond to — rather than habitually reacting to — what goes on around us. We’ll focus on the root cause through meditation, prayer, love, and compassion.


Program Plan

The Peaceful Woman may be visualized as three interlocking circles, where each circle represents a four-week section of the program.

  • You begin by improving your self-esteem.
  • Once you’ve established a healthy foundation of self-esteem and worthiness, we move on to address self-awareness. We need to be aware of ourselves both as inner and as outer beings.
  • Next comes self-love. We must love ourselves before we can truly love others.


Rather than shy away from self-love as somehow narcissistic, we will embrace it as the one requirement for love and kindness toward others and toward the world which we live.

Notice also the intersections of the circles, for that is where the power lies. As you progress through the program, you will become energized, connected, and calm. Ultimately, you will find peace — an inner peace that will permeate your outer world.

But let’s examine the program in more detail.



We begin with self-esteem because so many of us, especially as women, doubt our worth. We’ve been conditioned since childhood to put others first, to not make waves, to deny our power. I want you to revel in your power! But let’s look at how we’ll get there.

Breathe Deep

We start by breathing. You’ll learn a simple breathing technique that will be the bedrock of the program. This technique, easy to learn and to do, is very powerful and will help you relax in the midst of the maelstrom.

Benefits for You Breathing properly

  • Increases your energy
  • Relaxes you while maintaining alertness
  • Feels good!

Dig Deep

We all have negative, self-limiting beliefs about ourselves and about the world. These self-limiting beliefs need to be uncovered, challenged, and replaced if we’re to make true, lasting change. We’ll examine and root out these negative beliefs.

Benefits for You Replacing negative with empowering beliefs

  • Maximizes your ability to fulfill your potential.
  • Enables you to feel and use your power.
  • Releases deep-seated tension.

Sleep Deep

In general, people in 21st century America do not sleep enough hours. And the sleep they do get is often restless, disturbed “pseudo-sleep.” Adequate restful sleep is necessary for health — and peace of mind. When we are overtired, we lack energy and luster, we make poor choices, we increase our stress levels and decrease our resistance to stress. You’ll learn how to sleep deeply.

Benefits for You Deep, restful sleep

  • Improves your overall health and sense of well-being.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Increases your alertness and overall energy.




We all need to be aware of ourselves and how we connect with the people and the world around us. We need to know our purpose in life. How we fit. We need to be aware of ourselves as actors — as empowered individuals who make our own choices and attract our own blessings.


Most of us react to situations and people. We are like a person who can’t swim being tossed about by the waves and currents of the ocean. You’ll learn how to swim. It’s simple. Pause. Breathe. Respond. In particular, before you say “yes” to a request, pause; take a deep breath; consult your heart and soul. Consider saying “no.” Kindly, gently — but firmly!

Benefits for You Pausing before reacting

  • Increases your sense of empowerment.
  • Decreases feelings of resentment, anger, frustration.
  • Prevents becoming overcommitted, thus alleviating stress.


Play is so important, and not just for children! Play is essentially an activity that you give your entire attention to, that you become engrossed in. It’s like a micro-vacation. We’ll focus on art and music simply because they seem to be universal. But you’ll also be encouraged to find your own forms of play — whatever absorbs and feeds you.

Benefits for You Engaging in play

  • Stimulates the mind, often enabling it to solve previously insoluble problems.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Keeps you feeling young and energetic.


Prayer, in this context, is really spiritual practice in general, however you conceive it. Prayer strengthens our awareness of ourselves as connected to something bigger than ourselves, more meaningful than chores and obligations. It also reminds us that we are one with all beings and worthy of love.

Benefits for You Spiritual practice, including but not limited to prayer,

  • Lifts your mood.
  • Provides clarity in the midst of the stresses and strains of life.
  • Draws you into the simplicity and calm of the present moment — the Now.



Do you love yourself? Truly and deeply and authentically? Self-love, or self-compassion, is necessary if you want to truly and deeply and authentically love another. I’m not talking here about a narcissistic love of self but rather a self-love that knows and accepts you exactly as you are. More than anything else, this section of the program is about spiritual practice for, ultimately, spiritual practice is about love.

Be Grateful

Gratitude is a powerful spiritual practice. As you really take in all your blessings, you’ll come to understand yourself as a blessing. For you are. You’re a blessing to me, to your family and friends, to the world. This part of the program is deeply related to the Self-Esteem section, and indeed gratitude increases feelings of self-esteem.

Benefits for You Being grateful for the blessings with which you’ve been blessed

  • Actually improves physical health.
  • Enhances sleeps.
  • Increases mental strength.

Be Present

Being present is what life is all about. Through presence, we gain clarity, perspective, strength. Being in the Now also relates to the Self-Awareness section of the program. It’s by being present, being mindful, that we become aware of ourselves as immortal souls, one with every other being.

Benefits for You Being present, or mindful,

  • Improves your creativity.
  • Releases stress.
  • Opens you to experience things without preconceived notions and assumptions.

Be You

Be You is the culmination of the program. It involves expressing yourself and your love for yourself and all beings in the world. It’s being true to yourself, authentic, real. That could involve being vulnerable; it will also involve being strong. Being you is where your self-love shines and dazzles and inspires.

Benefits for You Being your authentic self

  • Strengthens feelings of clarity and self-confidence.
  • Makes you feel more alive, energetic, enthusiastic, positive.
  • Enhances feelings of inner peace.



“Success! I sought out hypnotherapy after all other interventions failed to improve my highway driving anxiety and found Essentially Holy through a Google search. I’m so glad I did! Carolyn’s warm and compassionate personality immediately made me feel at ease and hopeful, from the initial phone conversation and throughout my two sessions. I appreciated the informational overview she provided prior to the first session. Carolyn is extremely knowledgeable and consistently provided encouragement and hope. I HIGHLY recommend Carolyn to anyone who is seeking to deal with their fears and other personal issues. It works and you won’t be disappointed!” (Jackie B)

“Absolutely loved Carolyn!! I am going back next week and can’t wait to continue working with her!” (Caitlin C)

“I have used Essentially Holy for Hypnotherapy, I was very skeptical at first, thought there was no way I could be hypnotized and I was scared. It was nothing at all like I thought it would be, I was very relaxed and aware the whole entire time. I highly recommend it for a little extra mental help to reach your goals.” (Mandie W)

“Carolyn is amazing! She always takes time to listen, offers solutions and is an excellent resource. Highly recommend working with her!” (Lisa D)

What You Get

The Peaceful Woman is built for busy women. There are a number of handouts and videos, but most are just a few pages in length, so they aren’t overwhelming, though it’s information that empowers you. A couple are longer, but they can be read and reflected on over time.

The program is structured, but that structure is by no means set in stone. The Peaceful Woman is an individual and individualized program. You are at the center, and you determine both the pace and the ultimate content.

Here, however, are the elements that are common to all:

  • 12 50-minute individual sessions with me via the internet. Although these sessions can be weekly, they can also be spread a bit farther apart as needed. All session are from the convenience of your own home.
  • A variety of videos and handouts addressing the different techniques and content of the program.
  • References to curated YouTube videos to enhance the program.
  • An audio session on overcoming procrastination.
  • An audio session on gaining self-confidence.
  • A journal to use as desired.
  • Three 5/8 dram bottles of essential oils (Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint) to enhance play.
  • A kazoo to make your own music with. Yes, a kazoo! Remember having fun?
  • Five 5/8 dram bottles of essential oils (Myrrh, Frankincense, Orange, Geranium, and Rosemary) to enhance spiritual practice.
  • A keychain pouch to carry the essential oils in.

How to Get Started

I’ve devoted considerable energy and resources to developing this The Peaceful Woman Program; it is indeed my baby. Part of myself. I want to share it with women who are ready and able to benefit from it.

Is that you? Are you excited — and perhaps a bit unsure — to jump into the content and the practices of The Peaceful Woman? If so, I really want to have a strategy session with you. This strategy session, which lasts about 20 minutes, is intended to acquaint us with one another so we can determine whether or not we’re a good fit.

And there’s no cost to talk, so give me a call.

I only accept six people each month into the Program because of the work involved. I would be delighted for you to be one of those people this month! So call or email me to set a time for your free strategy session. I look forward to hearing from you.

Peace and blessings,