Seeking peace and purpose in your life? You’ve come to the right place!

Welcome to The Peaceful Woman. I’m delighted and honored that you’re here.

I’m Carolyn, and I’ll be your guide. I created The Peaceful Woman Program specifically for women like you who are overwhelmed and overstressed and looking for both relief and release. Relief from overcommitment and release from unremitting attention to the mundane.

At a certain point in life, for me it was as I entered my 50s, we begin to look beyond the everyday and focus more of our attention on the spiritual — the Big Picture. We reflect on the purpose and the meaning of our life. We want more than chores and obligations and rituals. We long for substance — not material substance, not the heaviness and mortality of the physical. We long for real substance — the ethereal substance of the spirit, the immortal soul.

Please feel free to explore this program. And let me know what you think. I did not create The Peaceful Woman Program for myself. I created it for you! For us. For thoughtful dialog and interaction. For transformation. Let’s connect!

Peace and blessings,